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Known Issues

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    Animals disappearing when killed

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    This is because of OneSync, unfortunately something every server deals with and not something that we can do anything about. It can often help to hunt with a buddy (since they might be able to see the dead animal), or try to call the animal before you shoot to see if it reacts to you. If it doesn't (or doesn't run when you get near) I wouldn't waste a bullet since it'll most likely disappear then. Going to a different area to hunt can also help.


    Crashing near Armadillo

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    • Adjust the “Animated Building” pool size. To do this you want to navigate through windows explorer along this path: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\RedM\\data\citizen\common\data <--- replace USER with the correct username for your PC. 
      Then right click on the XML Document called “gameconfig" and click “edit”. Find the AnimatedBuilding option and change the pool size from 25 to 50 (or even 100), then do CNTR + S to save before closing the notepad document. 
    • Clear cache. This is always a great idea to do from time-to-time, especially if you are having issues.
    • If you are using Nvidia, try turning on NVIDIA Reflex. This option is found in the graphics settings in game under the Video heading.


    Invisible character in the character creator

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    • Swap genders, this should reveal a ped for you to modify. If this doesn’t work you can try hitting F8 and typing “fixinvisble” (without the quotes).

    Issues connecting

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    • If you're experiencing issues connecting to the server, you can also connect by simply hitting F8 on the RedM home screen and typing: “connect” (without the quotes but you do include the space after the word “connect”).

    RedM is saying you're not whitelisted

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    • In order to play on the server you have to be part of this Discord server. When you first launch RedM with Discord open it should display a prompt to link your Discord with Cfx, which is what will allow you into the server. If the message displays that you're not whitelisted, close RedM and restart Discord first. A full PC restart can work too if restarting Discord itself isn't working.
    • Another option is to remove the FiveM authorisation in your Discord settings. Go to User Settings > Authorised Apps > Deauthorise FiveM. Then restart Discord and launch RedM afterwards and let it relink.
    • Also please note you need to have the Discord App (not the web browser version) and make sure you aren’t running Discord in Admin mode.

    Stuck in the Red Dead loading screen

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    • This tends to happen when people launch directly into RedM without having ever played RDR2 Story Mode or RDO. In order for RedM to work properly your Social Club needs to be logged in and synced, which happens when you launch either version of the base game. Load into Story Mode or RDO, (create a character), and play up until you have completed the prolog mission and you should then be able to log into the server with no issues.
    • Another cause can be that Social Club, Discord or Steam is running as admin mode. 

    Teleported to Heartlands

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    • Unfortunately in a heavily modded server in RedM this happens randomly from time to time. We are investigating the cause of this and have nicknamed the area you were teleported to as The Heartland's Void (it's at x = 0, y = 0 on the map). We know this is an issue, however without an accurate way of replicating this, it is very difficult to find the cause.

    Wagon repair not sticking

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    • If you repair a wagon through the wagon emporium and then log out without spawning the wagon the repair will revert and you will have to fix it again. Anytime you use the emporium to repair a wagon make sure to then spawn the wagon afterwards. Then, if you don’t actually need it at the moment, you can store it right away but this way your repair will save. To be safe, this should also be done if your wagon is repaired by another player.

    Other important things to note

    Database information saving

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    There are a few important tips to ensure your data is saved and stored correctly to avoid losses or other issues.

    • When creating a new character it is important that you stay logged into the server for at least 15 minutes after first loading in. This ensures your character's skin and clothing data is saved properly. It is also best to do this any time you use the /create command to go back into character creation as added caution.
    • You should also avoid making any changes that require a database save immediately before a storm (restart). It is always best to give the system 5 minutes to ensure everything is processed and saved correctly. This applies to things such as: buying/selling/trading items, withdrawing/depositing money in the bank, sending/picking up parcels, changing your job, etc.

    Reimbursement rules

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    We strive to ensure our scripts and systems are optimized to the fullest extent to minimize any player issues with losing out on items due to bugs. However, please note that RedM can be finicky, as we are working in a modded platform making changes to a massive game and adding a slew of additional mods of our own. Should you run into a bug that results in you losing items or not receiving pay from something we wish to help. However, we do have the following rules in place for any form of reimbursement:

    1. Video evidence is required. You must have a clip that shows the entirety of the situation. This is required as it will allow us an opportunity to see what has gone wrong so we can fix it to prevent it from happening again. F8 logs are also great in this instance, as they can give us more insight as well but are not enough alone for a reimbursement to be issued.
    2. Reimbursements must be for a total value of at least $1,000 as accessed by staff. As reimbursement you may receive either A) The item(s) back sent via Parcel Services, B) Cash transferred to your bank account by staff, or C) A combination of cash and items. Reimbursement type (and any cap limit) will be determined by staff on a case-by-case basis.
    3. We only offer reimbursements for DRB server issues. Losses lost due to server restarts or PC crashes do not count.
    4. We do not offer reimbursement for wiped inventories if you have the textbox appear on screen and input “y” instead of “n” OR hit escape and close the textbox with inputting anything.
    5. We do not offer reimbursements for any gambling losses, RP it out.
    6. We do not offer reimbursements for dropped items that cannot be picked up.
    7. Once a reimbursement is deemed valid, we will determine the form of reimbursement to issue and will get it to you as quickly as possible. Please note, we are a small team so it may take up to a week, two at the most. If you are contacted in the ticket requesting further information and we do not get a response within 48 hours your ticket will be closed and the reimbursement will not be completed.
    8. Opening a second reimbursement ticket about the same issue will result in your ticket being closed and you losing the ability to create tickets.

    * Please note, all reimbursements are made at Staff’s discretion and may be occasionally denied for a reason not explicitly outlined in certain cases.