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New Dakota Railway SOPs

Code of Conduct

Joining the New Dakota Engineers is a prestigious position as it is a highly sought after job in the community. As such, we expect engineers to be aware of the Community Rules and to remain professional and courteous to the best of your ability. Decision-making and conduct should be carried with the betterment of the community’s role-play in mind. 

  • Engineering isn’t a side job and will replace your current role once hired in game.
  • There is a very helpful Cheat Sheet you can find in the Engineer Chat pins.

Chain of Command

Railroad Directors 

Railroad Directors are responsible for the overall operation of the New Dakota Railroad and are tirelessly working behind the scenes to ensure the service is working as well as possible. They should not be contacted by the department or Townsfolk and Lead Engineers should be contacted instead.

Lead Engineer

Lead Engineers are responsible for the day-to-day operation of the New Dakota Railroad and are the point of contact for any Engineers or Townsfolk that need assistance from the department. They are also responsible for hiring new Engineers and training up Senior Engineers.

Sr. Engineer

Senior Engineers are responsible for training new engineers and can also operate the Saint Denis Trolley service.

Engineer | Conductor

Engineers & Conductors have completed their basic railroad training and are able to operate passenger & freight trains on the Main Line and in New Austin.

Trainee Engineer

Trainee Engineers are new recruits awaiting training.

Operational Guidelines

Train & Trolley Operation

  • Only Engineers are permitted to operate trains anywhere in New Dakota.
  • Sr. Engineers & Lead Engineers may also operate trolleys in Saint Denis.
  • Townsfolk who attempt to hijack your train & drive it will be automatically ejected.
  • Townsfolk who value their lives would not stand on the coal cart or atop carriages.
  • Engineers cannot exceed the speed limits stated under any circumstances, including during a hijacking.

New Dakota Train Laws

  • All State Employees (Engineers, Doctors, Law, etc) are permitted to carry one long-arm whilst riding the train.
  • Townsfolk are not permitted to carry long-arms aboard the train.
  • Townsfolk are not permitted to board a train that is moving.
  • Townsfolk are not permitted to ride aboard freight trains that do not have passenger cars.
  • Engineers should remind townsfolk who want to ride a train of these laws, however, if they refuse or become hostile, it’s recommended that you request support from law if none are already present.

Requesting Support / Law / Security

  • During an emergency, engineers may request support from law or doctors using the /NDT menu > Support & Tools > Contact Other Dept’s > Report Emergency
  • NOTE: You should not call for backup in a situation where you couldn’t reasonably send a telegram. This includes when hogtied, when held hostage or if you’re held at gunpoint away from the train.
  • Engineers should contact law to request security when operating trains. This can be done via the NDT Menu > Support & Tools > Contact Other Dept’s > Write Law Message.
  • If Law Enforcement are unavailable, Engineers may hire private security. Please note: Engineers should write to the ‘Marshals Office’ telegram confirming the names of those involved in the private security detail so background checks can be completed. It may be considered corruption to willingly hire known criminals as security. 
  • Private Security are still subject to the New Dakota Laws and if the Marshal’s Office or Sheriff’s Department are present on a train, they must defer to law enforcement officers. 
  • In the event of a Rule Break situation. Please roleplay the scenario out and report to the government with clips & details of what happened when you’re able to do so.

Engineer Pay

  • Engineers are paid a standard rate when they have a train in active operation. The paycheckpay check is sent every 15 minutes.
  • Engineers receive additional income from passengers paying a fare to ride trains.
  • Engineers may earn additional income for driving freight trains & delivering cargo.
  • Note: Ensure you mark yourself OOS when you store a train and complete your route.
  • Conductors can receive hourly pay by being marked as an active Conductor by an Engineer operating a train through the NDT Menu.
  • Engineers will also be able to take the Fast trains for a discounted price.

Engineer Uniforms

  • Employees are welcome to create their own outfits & styles for conducting & driving.
  • Engineers must wear the Engineer Hat when operating trains.
  • Engineers and Conductors are also required to have a Wilderness Lantern active, at least at night (you can equip one from the tool-shed to use while driving so you don’t have to own one yourself).

Engineer Reminders

  • Engineers are expected to follow all of the New Dakota Laws and not partake in any scheme to use their role in a criminal nature.
  • If an engineer is arrested & charged for a Class B felony or higher they may be terminated from the service.
  • Engineers should not operate trains under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Engineer Shifts / Activity

  • As the Engineer role is highly respected and sought after, we do ask that engineers maintain a decent level of activity to retain their role within the New Dakota Railway.
  • Engineers who are found to have been inactive for a period of more than 30 days are subject to removal.

Train Tool Box

  • Engineers have access to a toolbox where they can take out tools to help repair a train / shovel coal (for RP purposes) or equip a lantern for those pesky dark tunnels.
  • There is also an Engineer cash box that can be used to store up to $1,000. Please ensure you empty the cash box when completing a route & storing your train. 

Hiring & Onboarding


  • Townsfolk can apply to be an engineer via the #gov-job-apps channel on Discord.
  • Must have been a member for a minimum of 1 month.
  • Must not have a Class B felony or above.
  • Lead Engineers will review applicants & schedule training for candidates that pass background checks.


  • New recruits will be trained by a Sr. Engineer or Lead Engineer.
  • Engineers wanting to drive trolleys or assist with training should be active & ready for Sr. Engineer training.

Training Checklist

  • Reading SOPs
  • NDT Menu
  • Spawning trains.
  • Setting Jobs.
  • Arrivals & Departures (announcements/bells & whistles).
  • Obeying Signs & Guidelines
  • Train Termination

Train Procedures

Signs on the railroad

! - Prepare to slow down, change in operation ahead.
X - Stop your train and check choke points.
⬇ - Engineer required to stay under 15 MPH.
⬆ - Engineer able to go to top speed of 27MPH.

!⬆ - Engineer may speed up to 20 MPH - be aware of slow zone coming up.

Railway Lines, Route Priority & Stops.

  • The New Dakota Railway consists of two separate rail loops with the Main Railway being the priority for engineers. 
  • The Main Railway with 4 lines in priority order: Green > Blue > Red > Yellow > Freight
  • The New Austin Railway with 2 lines in priority order: Red > Blue > Freight
  • Stops marked on the Railway Maps with an Asterix are optional, however, if when approaching you see passengers waiting, you must stop. You should also stop here for someone if a ride request comes in for a station you are going past.
  • If there is a Red Population warning at a stop you are approaching, with a warning to vacate or be kicked, you should skip the stop to avoid making the population issues worse. If you do skip a station, please ensure you use the ‘Announce Different Station’ option in the NDT Menu.

Railway Splits

  • There are several splits on the Main Line & New Austin rail tracks to be aware of. They are typically at train stations and allow multiple trains to be in the same area or safely pass one another, e.g at Saint Denis or Annesburg.
  • If you take the wrong track on a split, reverse slowly and select the correct track.
  • You can see all the splits on the Railway Maps.


  • /NDT - Opens your New Dakota Transport Book
  • /deletetrain - Removes a train if it didn’t disappear when completing a route.
  • Cruise Control - Maintains your set speed. Selecting again or breaking cancels it.

Bell & Whistle Usage

  • When approaching a station you should blow your whistle three times to alert people nearby. If you are going to be stopping at that station, also ring your bell three times. Once the train has come to a full stop, blow the whistle two more times to signal that passengers may embark/disembark.
  • When preparing to leave a station, ring your bell three times as a final warning, then after about 10 seconds blow the whistle a few times as you begin to pull away.
  • You must use your whistle at least twice when approaching a road crossing.
  • Use this whistle periodically when driving through a tunnel.
  • Note: The whistle must be pressed each time, holding it will not make a continuous sound for other players.

Clearing Debris

  • If a track is blocked by an animal, wagon or even body. You should bring the train to a stop and clear the track or ask law for assistance if they’re present.
  • If a track is blocked by debris that cannot be moved, e.g a broken down wagon. Then the train may be used to move the debris by driving at a speed no greater than 10MPH until the track is cleared.

Driving Trains

Engineers are expected to operate trains & trolleys in a professional and believable manner. This includes not arriving or departing from station too quickly, or reversing at 20 MPH. Increase & lower your speed over time so passengers have a comfortable ride.

Some of the trains are also very long, so try to avoid blocking multiple routes/crossing when possible, e.g at Valentine. 

You should regularly check the #railway-switch channel on Discord to stay up to date with who is on the tracks and what lines are being operated.

Pulling Out a Train

  • There are specific locations to bring out trains & trolleys.
  • Passenger Trains: Brought out at Saint Denis (Mainline) / Stillwater (New Austin)
  • Freight Trains: Brought out at any station
  • Trolleys: Trolley depot near Saint Denis bank

Setting Train Job

  • When you pull out a train, you must set your job before moving the train.
  • Open the NDT Menu > Job & Announcements > Set Job
  • Choose your area loop and then the line. E.g: “Main Line” - “Green”
  • You then select what type of train you are driving. If you are driving a passenger, training, or private train this is all you need to do. For a Freight train you will then need to select your destination (your start point should be automatically known as long as you set the job before leaving the station. In the event the script does not realize where you are you will be prompted to select your starting station as well. Any freight jobs that are started or completed inside of a choke point will automatically mark you as entering/clearing said choke point.)
  • You must follow these steps exactly for the automated features to work properly

Announcing Arrival & Departure

  • When arriving at a station. Use your NDT Menu > Jobs & Announcements > Announce Arrival/Departure
  • If the station is listed, click “Yes”. If the station listed is incorrect, choose Announce Different Station and select the correct option.
  • There will then be a visible time indicator that you should wait for passengers to board/leave the train.
  • When the timer expires, repeat the steps above to announce your departure and when the timer ends, you can leave following the Bells & Whistle protocol.


  • When entering a chokepoint, engineers must disembark the train and use the choke point station to check if any other trains are on the track.
  • If another train is on the track you want to enter, you can mark yourself as “Pending” which will alert other engineers. You must then wait for the other train to pass before entering.
  • If no other trains are on the track, mark yourself as “Entering” and you can then enter the choke point.
  • When you clear the choke point, you will automatically be marked as “Exiting”, however, keep an eye on the #railway-switch channel in case this didn’t work.
  • Choke Points are indicated on the Railway Maps.

Ending Route / Storing Train

  • If you finish a shift or wish to store the train, head to the end of the loop and choose “Complete Route”. 
  • You must also mark yourself as OOS with your end destination via Set Job in the NDT Menu. This lets other engineers know you’re finishing.
  • If your train does not despawn, use the /deletetrain command instead.

Freight Jobs

  • Engineers can run freight trains during quieter hours to earn a bit of extra income. The steps above for setting a job and announcing choke points must be followed.
  • You don’t need to stop at any station other than your destination with a freight train, however, you must pass stations at a maximum of 15 MPH and follow the whistle policy outlined above. 
  • Engineers should prioritize passenger trains over freight trains during busier hours and when trains are being requested. 

Saint Denis Trolleys

  • Sr. Engineers are able to operate trolleys in the city of Saint Denis. Stopping at the stations listed in the Railway Maps and driving at a reasonable, slow & safe speed.
  • Extra caution is urged as there are many more hazards within the city limits, such as wagons, pedestrians and the chance of encountering more law & criminal activity.
  • If you leave the trolley controls, you won’t be able to regain control and will need to use /deletetrain to remove the trolley from the tracks. 

Fares & Bookings

Standard Fares

  • The standard fare for townsfolk is $25 per loop.
  • State Employees may ride a train for free, however, tips are welcome!

Private Bookings

  • Private Bookings for the Bar Car should be charged at $250 per loop. 
  • If a party wants a private booking for an event or an extended period of time, the $250 per loop should be used as a guideline, however you can use your discretion when choosing what the charge should be (not exceeding $250 per loop)

Train Requests

  • Townsfolk can request a train from any train station. Requests will include the passengers name, ID, location & destination.
  • Requests will show as a notification that can be accepted via the /NDT Book and selecting “ride requests”. 
  • If you accept a request, insert your ETA in minutes. This will notify the passenger and all other engineers that you’re on the way.