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Here are all of the available commands & key binds in DRB. 

| On Foot

Keyboard Input
Action Controller Input
B Open Inventory Tap Right on D Pad
J Cycle Voice Proximity Tap Left On D Pad
H Call Horse Tap Up on D Pad
Long Press Left Alt Player Menu Tap Down on D Pad
Long Press Tab Weapon Wheel Hold L1 or Left Bumper
Hold R/Mouse Button Focus/Aim Hold L2 or Left Trigger
Q Enter/Exit Cover Tap R1 or Right Bumper
C Look Behind You Hold R3 or RS
Left ctrl Crouch Tap L3 or LS
Hold/Tap Left Shift Run/Sprint Hold or Tap X or A
Press Left Alt Player Menu Hold Down on D Pad
V Cycle Camera Tap Select or Back
esc Red Dead Redemption Menu Tap Options or Start
G Point Use Emote Menu
I Hands Up Use Emote Menu

Opening the Text Box

To use any in game command, the text box will need to first be opened. This can be achieved by tapping the ‘T’ button while in the game.

| In Game Display Options

Command Action
/loadskin Load Character Skin
/loadc Reload Character
/loadclothing Reload Clothing
/hud Toggle1 Heads Up Display
/showcash Toggle Cash in Pocket Display
For permanent options, please visit government services in the game.
/showtime Shows Local Server Time
/showcoords Toggle Current Coordinates
/showchat Shows /me chat history
/talking Toggle Talking Display Above Players
/reticle Toggles Reticle
/reticleDetect Toggles Animal Detection
/reticlecolor Changes Reticle Color
/reticlecolor2 Changes Detection Reticle Color
/reticletype Changes Reticle Type
/reticlesize Change Reticle Size
/swapmap Changes Location of HUD Map
/cycleproximity Cycles Through Vocal Range

| Game Mechanics

/camp_load Reloads all Camps
/house_load Reloads All Houses
/market_load Reloads all Markets
/market_permit Opens Market Permit Menu
/fixinvisible Fixes Invisibility Issue
/endmission End Current Mission
/tackload Load Horse Tack
/givemoney Transfer money to a character
/endbath Ends Bath if Stuck
/box Displays Box #
/emergency Teleports you to random location when stuck
/pvp Toggle PVP Mode
/status Shows Social Circle Status
/checkjob Shows Current Job
/add_wagon Add Closest Person to Wagon
Law Specific Command
/face_anims Opens menu to change facial expression
/rcboat Puts away RC Boat

| Player Scenes

Command Action Other
/ops Displays permanent in game text box that stays with character Clears with server resets
/cops Clears in game text box on character  
/hops Hide Ops  
/me Displays temporary in game text box on character  
/do Displays temporary in game text box in red on character  
Home Key Displays semi-permanent in game text box on character location
A small purple reticle appears on screen. Line the reticle up with where you want to place your text. Press home button again to place.
View distance: 1 = closest….10 = Farthest.
Clears with server resets

| Stance Styles

/badassStand with Arms crossed
/crossarmsStand with Arms Crossed
/handonhipPlace hands on hips

| Walk Styles


| Job Specific

Command Job
/follow_all Rancher
/graze_all Rancher
/herd_all Rancher
home_all Rancher
/take Law
/take_wagon Law
/jail Law
/leo Law
/wear_prison Law

| Dance StylesEmotes

Command ActionSpecial FeaturesResponse
/cancanemotes BeginOpens CanCanEmotes DanceMenu
/a emote Actions / Tasks
/d emoteDances
/e emoteEmotive Gestures 
/dancepairemote Dance as partners Injuries
/firedanceemote BeginLeans Fire& Dance Rests
/snakeemote Snake Dance Props
/swordemote SwordStances Dance  Poses
/dancestyle Dancestyle1 StationaryWalk Style
/dance2wspeed speed Dancestyle2 Stationary

| EmotesEmote Functions

Command Response
/Cc Cancel/Stop Emote
/applausenearest Clap
/badass Stancechair
/bandana Pulls bandana up
/beckonko GestureDown someone to come to youyourself
/begrd Starts BeggingRagdoll
/blowkisssidesaddle Blow(Left aor Kissright)
/blowkiss2sleeves BlowRolls Up Sleeves

| Items

/pipeUse a KissPipe
Item required
/bowrcboat Namiste
/bow2Respectful Greeting
/broomSweep the Floorboat
/cane 1 Use a cane
/cane 2 Use a cane
/cane 3 Use a cane
/cane 4 Use a cane
/dc stop using cane
/champagneHave a glass of Champagne
/checktimeLook at the Time
/chewHang on belt and itch butt
/chickenTaunt someone
/cigar Smoke Cigar
/cig Smoke Cigarette
/cleanglassBartender Cleaning Glasses
/cleantableClean a Table in Front of You
/coffee Drink Coffee
Can Walk
/coinflipFlip a Coin
Can Walk
/clipboardUse a clipboard
/cuckooRoll hand around head
/damnyouAgitated Hand Posture
/ddrinkDrunkenly Drink your Beverage
/drink Drink beer
Item Required
/drunkpassoutPass out on floor
/falldowndrunkCollapse drunk
Male only
/fanUse a hand held fan
/feedFeed chickens
/fiddlePlay the fiddle
Female only
/fistpumpPump fist in the air
/fkneelGet on knees
/flexFlex at someone
/flipoffFlip someone off
/followmeGesture to follow
/frieghtenedHands in front scared
/ftendTend to fire
/guitarPlay guitar
/handsupPut hands up
/knockKnocking motion
/koDown yourself
/layonbackLay on your back
/layonsideLay on your side
/leanLean against the wall
/leanbarLean down on railing/counter
/leanbar2Lean down on railing/counter
/leanbeerLean holding drink
Male only
/leancheckgunLeans checking weapon
Male only
/leansharpenknifeLeans checking weapon
Male only
/leantallfenceLeans against high wall
Male only
/leanlowfenceLean on a low wall or railing
Male only
/leanpipeLean against wall
Item required
/leanchatLean against counter or rail
/letsgoPoints afar
/lookfarHand over eyes
/nearestSeats you in nearest chair
/notesUse a notebook
/nodNod your head ‘yes’
/passoutbackPass out with bottle in hand
/passoutdrunkPass out
Male only
/peekPeek around corner
Male Only
/pipe Use a Pipe
Item required
/pointPoint at someone
/pointlaughPoint and laugh
/pullweedsPick plants from ground
Male only
/rcboatStow RC boat
/rakeUse a rake
/rolldiceRoll the dice
/rpsRock Paper Scissors
/sidesaddle(Left or right)
/sitSit down
/sit2Sit down
/sitbookSit and read a book
/sitdrink Sit and drink
Item required
/sitnewsSit and read newspaper
/sitsmoke Smoke while seated
Item required
/sleepbackLay on ground
/sleepgroundLay on ground
/sleevesRoll up your sleeves
/smellyWave hand in front of face
/smoke Smoke a cigarette
Item required
/spitSpit at someone
/tadaWave arm in front of yourself
/tiphatTip your hat to someone
/trumpetPlay trumpet
Please don’t
/vomitGets the rat stew out of you
/vomitkneelGets the rat milk out of you
/waveWave hand
/wave2Wave hand
/yeehawGet pumped