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State Employee Standardized Practices and Procedures
State Employee Standardized Procedures All department SOPs should serve as a baseline for ho...
Gameplay Guidelines
| General Reminders [10.01] Players are to remain in character at all times. [10.01-A] The use ...
New Dakota Laws
To contact a law enforcement agency, a telegram can be sent to the following recipie...
Inactivity Criteria
Characters: Inactivity: 180 days before deletion Note: Character deletion will result in any ...
Criminal Code of Conduct
Criminals, as with all other characters, should have a purpose in New Dakota. The goal of crimina...
Roleplay Definitions
Metagaming | Meta Gathering information from sources outside of gameplay and using it as...
Here are all of the available commands & key binds in DRB. | On Foot Keyboard Inpu...
Community Rules
When interacting with DRB, it is important to observe all rules and guidelines at all t...
Housing & Govt Markets
All housing is subject to a tax system that is taken directly from your bank account. Shared Ho...
Illegal Weapons, Substances & Contraband
Any items described here are illegal for citizens to have in their possession barring any applica...
Gang & Group Whitelisting Guidelines
Code of Conduct All large Gangs & Groups in New Dakota must apply for whitelisting. This is to e...
Known Issues
See also: Known Errors - for known crash error messages. Animals disappearing when killed Thi...
Known Errors
Here are known crash errors when playing RedM. There is very little documentation available for w...
Clearing Cache
How to clear the cache for RedM Go to the following file path: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\RedM...
DRB Jargon
| General The use of jargon is a very important part of roleplaying within any server. It’s abou...
New Dakota Railway SOPs
Code of Conduct Joining the New Dakota Engineers is a prestigious position as it is a highly sou...
Gang & Group Whitelisting Information
| About Gang Whitelisting Gang whitelisting is a fancy way of government officials stating that ...
RP Etiquette
General Starting off in RP can feel intimidating, with a plethora of rules and unfamiliar terms ...
Ask IC
| What does ask IC mean? If you’ve gone to our discord, asked a question and been told to “ask I...